James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Ebenezer Stevens, 14 July 1802 (Abstract)

§ From Ebenezer Stevens

14 July 1802, New York. In accordance with JM’s instructions of 18 Feb.,1 submitted the papers in the case of the ship Grand Turk to the district attorney for his opinion on whether the owners were entitled to demurrage for the time the ship was detained at Gibraltar. Encloses a copy of the attorney’s written opinion that the claim should not be allowed.2 “I am sensible that the Owners will not abide by this decission, as they have suffered materially, on Account of the detention, having engaged a freight for the Ship, up the Mediteranean, which was lost on Account of her not arriving in Season.3 … I have reason to fear they may cause me trouble in this business, and will thank you to inform me what in your opinion will be best to have done on the occasion.”

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