James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Gavino, 8 July 1802 (Abstract)

§ From John Gavino

8 July 1802, Gibraltar. No. 94. Encloses copy of a letter from O’Brien, dated 23 June,1 confirming that the brig Franklin was captured by a Tripolitan vessel and that there were four others out; they had since been seen off the coast of Spain. Encloses also the terms of the settlement between Algiers and Spain and another letter from O’Brien dated 13 June.2 Dey of Algiers has returned the British ships taken by his vessels. Emperor of Morocco has recalled Simpson, “alowing him Six Months for Answers from the U. S.—for particulars thereof referr to said Gentleman & Commodor Morris.” Sir James Saumarez has gone home, “and the remainder of the Troops that Evacuated Mahon have passd by, also those that left Elba, when the French imediately hoisted their flag.” Reports passage of “a large French Convoy with upwards of 3000 Polanders” and a French squadron of six ships of war, reportedly destined for Saint-Domingue.

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