James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Eaton, 7 July 1802

From William Eaton

Tunis 7. July 1802.


Though the inclosure1 of this date needs no comment I cannot forbear remarking that it exhibits a melancholly proof of the truth of my apprehensions and of the necessity of more energy.

I should be more in detail; but this goes off immediately viâ Leghorn, and I have not yet possessed myself of whole facts. The slaves will be marched to this city tomorrow, and probably hence by land to Tripoli. I have the honor to be most respectfully Sir, your very obed. Servt.

William Eaton

P. S. July 10. By my circular of yesterday2 it is shewn that the Brig is of Philadelphia. The corsaire took in provisions at Bizerte, and departed 8th. inst. on another cruise. This Bey has objected to the American slaves marching through his country—says he does not wish to get himself into an embroil. They will be carried along the coast in a row-boat. I am not permitted by the Captors to have any communication with the captives—consequently do not know what treatment they suffer.

W. Eaton

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