James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John G. Jackson, 17 June 1802

From John G. Jackson

Clarksburg June 17th 1802

Dear Sir,

The Public Papers having announced your arrival in the City; I take the liberty to address you upon a little business I have there which I beg the favor of you to negociate. By a Contract with the Post Master General1 I am to receive $476 dollars per Ann. for carrying the Mail at quarterly payments; the first quarter will end the last of June; I enclose an order for the Money; which you will please send by post; after deducting the $5 advanced Mr. Smith; which I find my Father forgot to pay you; & five dollars for the subscription the ensuing Year.2 The pleasure we anticipated of visiting you this Year; must be somewhat longer postponed on account of arrangements of my business; & some political events; which from the virulence of infuriated Federalists, will require every honorable exertion; to repel their machinations & ensure success. The Berceau3—dismissal of Officers4 Continuance of a Brigadier General,5 Refusal to diminish the salaries of Officers6—Repeal of the Tax on Carriages & continuing that on Salt &c7—Repeal of Judiciary Law8 &c &c are among the innumerable charges which they are daily making: in spite of all we shall beat them; if we carefully attend & explain their misrepresentations, as truth and honesty are on our side & they are omnipotent.

I expected long ere this to have waited upon Mrs. Payne to this Place; but have not heard from her for about two months past; Mrs. J. also complains of the neglect of her Sisters. Adieu Your sincere Friend

J G Jackson

PS if any deductions from the Money are required by the P. M. G. on account of delays please allow them. So far as I know they were unavoidable; but I suppose he is peremptory.


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