James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Rufus King, 10 June 1802 (Abstract)

§ From Rufus King

10 June 1802, London. No. 69. Acknowledges JM’s public letter of 7 Apr. “communicating the Presidents approbation of the Convention respecting the 6 & 7 articles of the Treaty of 1794”; by “private accounts of a later date” has learned of the Senate’s consent. Has no news as to countervailing duties; “their continuance or repeal is a question submitted to the decision of Congress.” Does not think it expedient to broach the subject of American trade with the West Indies as Parliament is engaged in last-minute business. Encloses a copy of a House of Commons report on vaccine inoculation—”a discovery of the highest interest to humanity”1—and a statement of the British national debt with figures on the sinking fund.2 Promises to send by the first ship a copy of the last British census “so far as it has been completed,” with the supplement to follow as soon as printed. “As our Census is a subject of much enquiry, I shall be obliged to you to send me a dozen copies of the former, as well as of the late Census, some of which I wish to deposit in the public Museums and Libraries.”3

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