James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Stacey, 16 May 1802 (Abstract)

§ From George Stacey

16 May 1802, Chester. Informs JM of his arrival at Chester from Ile de France. “Mr. Buchanan having been appointed Agent for the United States at that place, I conceived it a duty I owed to my family to quit the Colony by the earliest occasion, and accordingly advised that Government of my intention to resign my public functions, as you will see by the Copy of a Letter from the Administrators General of the Colony to me.” Reports that news of European peace reached Ile de France from the government of the Cape of Good Hope several days before his departure, “which put a stop to the expedition of privateers.” Offers to send JM “every intelligence I can, which may be useful to our Country,” and notes that JM can address him “to care of Messrs. Davy Roberts & Co. Philadelphia.”

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