James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 14 May 1802 (Abstract)

§ From William C. C. Claiborne

14 May 1802, “Near Natchez.” “The Legislature of this Territory met in Session on the 3rd. Instant and on the day following I made to the two Houses a Communication of which the enclosed is a Copy.”1 The legislature adjourned 13 May after making “several very wholesome Laws, amongst which is an Act to establish a College in the Mississippi Territory.… This College shall bear the name of ‘Jefferson College.’” Washington, a town near Natchez that is “handsomely situated, well supplied with excellent Spring water, and said to be the healthiest Spot in the District,” has been fixed by law as the site of future sessions of the legislature. During the last session, the legislature elected Thomas M. Green,2 “a respectable and wealthy Farmer, warmly attached to the United States,” to replace Narsworthy Hunter as the territory’s delegate in Congress.

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