James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 13 May 1802

From James Monroe

Richmond May 13. 1802.

Dear Sir

This will be presented you by Mr. Gauvain who with his Lady have made us a visit since I wrote you last. He is the Gentn. of whom I wrote you & whose trip I wished to delay a week on account of particular circumstances, of a domestic nature. He was in my family near a year, or indeed rather more, after the appointment of Mr. Skipwith to the consulate. He is amiable, well informed, perfectly upright, and attached to our country. His Lady is also very estimable for her connections in France & her own merit. Two of his sisters are married to Americans, one to Mr. Taney of Maryld., the other to Mr. Vans of Boston, the latter formerly appointed consul & I believe removed by Mr. Adams, tho of that I am not certain.1 This gentn. passing thro’ washington has express’d a wish to be personally2 to you, to promote which object I have taken the liberty to give him this letter of introduction. Our best respects to Mrs. Madison, sincerely I am Dear Sir yours

Jas. Monroe

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