James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 4 April 1802

From Louis-André Pichon

Phila. 4th. April 1802

Mr. Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison & incloses to him extracts of dispatches from St. D/ge.1 The two last in date are those which he received by the Necessity Victualling frigate lately arrived here to take a load of provisions. Mr. Benesech’s letter attempts to make Some apology for what was done at the Cape in relation to the american merchants. The vessell which Mr. P. thought of expediting to france goes to St. Domingo. The last arrived frigate will Sail for that country within 19 or 20 days. In the mean while Mr Pichon dispatches an officer to france who Sails from hence on wednesday or thursday & who carries Mr. Madison’s letters to Mr. Livingston with Mr. P. dispatches. Mr. P. expects to be at washingn. next thursday.

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