James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Wilson Cary Nicholas, [ca. 25 March] 1802

From Wilson Cary Nicholas

[ca. 25 March 1802]

Dear Sir

The enclosed letter was sent to me by Genl. Marshal, who begs that you will send it under cover to Mr. Livingston with a request that he will give it a conveyance. I have obtained a list of all the French Vessels that were captured by the vessels of the U. S. upon comparing that list with your report I find it contains upwards of twenty vessels not included in your report,1 I have marked all the vessels in this list that are in the report. Will you be so good as to inform me how it happens that those vessels not noticed by you are not to be paid for, the right of appeal (if it exists) I presume applies to them as well as to others, it has been attempted to induce a belief that if we admit the principle that one vessel is to be paid for because a right of appeal existed, that it will involve us for millions. It is important therefore to be able to say what the utmost sum will be that we may be bound for. Be pleased to let me have the enclosed list and any information that you may think proper to give by 12 O’Clock. I am Dear Sir your affectionate hum. Serv.

W. C. Nicholas

my note will be paid when due2

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