James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Charles Pinckney, 20 March 1802

From Charles Pinckney


March 20 1802 In Madrid

Dear Sir

The present opportunity I avail myself of to send you another copy of the same Book on the Duties & commercial regulations of Spain1 which I am hopeful you will recieve safe. This will go so slow by Mules to Bayonne & from thence to Bourdeaux that all my other letters written at the same time & I expect others written after will very probably reach you before this as I am obliged to send the Book by a private opportunity to Bourdeaux & not by Post. I therefore only say to you by this that from an Express just arrived they are every moment expecting the news of the conclusion & signing of the Definitive Treaty.

If you could conveniently send me by some good Opportunity either to Mr Terry or Iznardi at Cadiz or Kirkpatrick at Malaga or Mr Montgomery at Alicant: a very good likeness of the President at full Length you will much oblige me. I have one—but it is small & not very like & it is my wish to have one at full Length to place with General Washingtons & Columbus[’]s in my large Salle. I began housekeeping a few Weeks agoe & I trust in polite & decorous attentions the “Casa de America” as they call it here will be at least equal to any of them. I have two public nights in the Week & shall endeavour by every means in my power to make our Nation & myself as agreeable as possible to Spain. With my affectionate respects to the President & compliments to your good Lady I am my dear friend Yours Truly

Charles Pinckney

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