James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Jacob Wagner, 19 March 1802

From Jacob Wagner

Washington, 19 March 1802

Dr. Sir

The Physician who attends me having advised me to ride to Baltimore, in the hope of finding an alleviation of my lingering disorder, I propose to commence the journey to morrow afternoon or the next morning.1 If any thing pressing should require my assistance in the mean while, a letter addressed to me at Baltimore will be certain to find me: and if Mr. Brent or Mr. Pleasonton will do me the favor to call upon me to morrow morning I will explain to him, a few arrearages of business which demand immediate attention.

I am certain you will do me the justice to believe that it is not among the smallest of my sufferings to be obliged to reflect upon the abrupt seperation I am under the necessity of making from the office at a period of peculiar pressure. Should my health revive I shall as soon as possible return to my duty: but if otherwise, I shall be consoled by the recollection of the favors which you have never ceased to extend to Dr. Sir Your faithful & obed. servt.

Jacob Wagner

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