James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Stephen Girard, 11 March 1802

From Stephen Girard

Philadelphia 11 March 1802


The Inclosed is copy of a Memorial which I have delivred to the Secretary of State in the year 17951 although I have ever Since that period been very industrious in requesting my friends in Europe to take every Steps to recover my just claim against the french Republic I am Still unpaid being desirous to Settle that business I am induced to Send to Paris the bearer of this letter Mr Jos: Curwen2 for the purpose of Soliciting payment.

Persuaded of your good disposition towards rendring justice to the Citizens of the U States I take the liberty to beg as a particular favour that you will give Mr Joseph Curwen a letter for the Minister Plenipotentiary of the U States at Paris requesting that Gentleman to make Such application to the french Government as you will judge proper. I am with Respect Sir your mo: obt Servt

Stephn. Girard

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