James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 14 November 1801

From Albert Gallatin

Treasury Department 14th Nover. 1801


Mr Edmund Randolph late Secretary of State; against whom a suit has been instituted, by the United States,1 has applied to the Comptroller for copies of the “letters which were written from the department of State to that of the treasury containing requisitions of money, between the 1st day of January 1794 and the 19th day of August 1795.” As those letters are in this office mixed in the files amongst many others, as it is not impossible that some of them may have been mislaid, and as being of record in your office, they may with less difficulty, be selected & transcrib⟨ed,⟩ I request the favour of your directing copies to be made out and transmitted to the Comptroller.2 Should you perceive any difficulty in it, I will thank you to inform me of it, that the work may be undertaken here. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Sir Your most obt. Servt.

Albert Gallatin

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