James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Savage, 29 October 1801 (Abstract)

§ From William Savage

29 October 1801, Kingston, Jamaica. Reports that Admiral Montagu, who has returned to Jamaica and taken command of the British squadron, seems disposed to be cooperative; accordingly, expects greater success in liberating impressed Americans, though “the great difficulty is to distinguish English & Americans.” Mentions the case of the schooner Orange and encloses a copy of Montagu’s report addressed to the king’s attorney general. At Montagu’s request Savage interviewed William Hammond, found him to be a native of Newport, Rhode Island, and sent him on an American vessel to Baltimore where he will be held for a few days after arrival if the president wishes to investigate the case. Awaits reply to his 11 Apr. query.1 Encloses a list of seamen released and those impressed since his last letter.

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