To James Madison from David Fay, 6 October 1801 (Abstract)
§ From David Fay
6 October 1801, Bennington. Encloses information from the docket of the circuit court, classified by nature, disposition, and term, as requested on 2 June. Will be happy to provide further information if necessary.
RC and enclosure (DNA: RG 59, ML). RC 1 p. Enclosure (93 pp.) is a list in three parts of circuit court cases for the Vermont district. An abstract of the list is printed in Misc., 1:322. David Fay served as district attorney for Vermont until his appointment to the Supreme Court of that state in 1809 ( , 1:403; E. P. Walton, ed., Records of the Governor and Council of the State of Vermont [8 vols.; Montpelier, Vt., 1873–80], 5:248–50).