James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 23 September 1801

To Thomas Jefferson

Sepr. 23. 1801

Dear Sir

Having sent you by Mr. Davis the communications recd. by the mail of last week, I have none to make you at present. You will find me at home, on saturday or sunday, when I hope to be able to fix the day for following you to Washington. The despatches for Mr. Livingston will be ready by the time I shall have the pleasure of seeing you. My conversation with Mr. Graham who staid a day or two with me, & appears to be a sensible & steady young man, has suggested some ideas for enlarging the instructions to Mr. Pinkney on the subject of Louisiana, which I will also put in form by the time of your arrival. With the most respectful attachment I remain Dear Sir, Yrs.

James Madison

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