James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Charles Pinckney, 22 September 1801

From Charles Pinckney

September 22: 1801 At the Hague

Dear Sir

I arrived last Evening at the Hague & proceed to day on my route to Paris. I inclose You the Leyden Gazette of this morning.1 I passed through Leyden Yesterday & stopped there sometime to view the academy & such things as were worthy my attention in that respectable & antient town once the capital of Holland & particularly to form an acquaintance & have some conversation with M: Blussé the printer of the Leyden Gazette one of the best informed men I have seen since my arrival. I have also dined with M Semonville the french Minister at the Hague where I saw Mr: M Anduaga the Spanish Minister resident here Generals Augerau Victor & other distinguished men of the present day.2 It being impossible in my route through the Country to give my friends Descriptions of the Country Characters or Changes I meet, I content myself for the present with making such notes at large as will hereafter enable me to present them, at my leisure with such descriptions & Observations as I trust will not be unentertaining or useless, but merely for their private inspection. We have nothing (since I wrote on saturday),3 from Paris or London & for the important transactions which have occurred here, I refer You to the inclosed. I arrived here at a period extremely important for an attentive observer & on this subject & others of some consequence I will write you fully when I arrive at Paris & after I have seen a gentleman I expect this morning & have leisure to make you the Details. In the meantime present me respectfully & affectionately to the President & to Colonel Burr & Mr Gallatin & Believe me ever with affectionate regard & Esteem dear sir Yours Truly

Charles Pinckney

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