James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 27 July 1801

From Albert Gallatin

Treasy. Departt. 27th July 1801

Dr Sir

Upon consideration, I think it will be better to leave with me some blank commissions signed by you, but not by the President, in order to avoid the delay which would otherwise arise from the necessity of sending them to you after they had been filled & signed by the President. […]

Are the following commissions ma⟨de out?⟩1

Silas Lee—Dist. Atty. Maine

Jarvis—Collector Penopscott vice Lee

Blake—Dist. Atty. Massachts. vice Otis

Enoch Parsons Marshal Connecticut

Alexr. Wolcott. Collector Middletown Connect.

The President had concluded to issue them all before he left the city.2

I wish also a Commission to be in readiness before you go, for Caleb Brewster Captain or Master of the Revenue Cutter as I intend applying for the same to the President.

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