James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John M. Forbes, 21 July 1801

From John M. Forbes

Baltimore 21st. July 1801.

Dear Sir,

A Variety of Circumstances respecting Mr. Yznardi the Son, of public notoriety here, it is Supposed must necessarily operate a Vacancy in the Consulate at Cadiz. I leave the detail of those Circumstances to those who are less interested than myself and have only to request you will give to my application for that appointment all the advantage which may belong to priority. You have had the goodness to acknowledge yourself Satisfied with the testimonials of Qualification which I presented you. Should the President wish for any further information of me—John T. Mason & John Mason1 Esquires of Georgetown have a knowledge of my Situation & Character for Several years that I have passed in Europe—from the representation of Mr. Fenwick and Several others of our fellow Citizens who knew me well at Bordeaux—to these gentlemen or any others from New York or Boston I Confidently refer. I am, with respectful Attachment, Sir, Your obedt. Servant

John. M. Forbes

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