James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Andrew Ellicott, 15 July 1801

From Andrew Ellicott

Geo. Town July. 15th. 1801

Mr. Ellicott presents his most respectful compliments to his friend Mr. Madison, and requests, (if it should not be improper,) the favour of having for two, or three days, the report, and chart of our eastern boundary as returned by the commissioners.1 Mr. Ellicott was informed by Mr. Pickering, that the report contains some very important observations, for the determination of the source, and the mouth of the River St. Croix, which was enjoined by the late treaty between the U. S. and his Britanick Majesty. Mr. Ellicott has nothing in view by this request, but to obtain materials for compiling a correct map of the U. S.

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