James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Samuel Smith, 9 July 1801

From Samuel Smith

Baltimore 9th. July 1801

Dr. sir,

Mr. John Dumeste,1 born in France was in this Country previous to the Revolution, married in this City, to a Native about the Year 1781 or 1782. He is about to go to the Isle of France & wishes a Passport for himself & family Consisting of—himself—

Elizabeth Dumeste his Wife
John-Paul Dumeste  "   son
George Kaporte Dumeste  "   Do.
Jacob Adrian Dumeste  "   Do.
Ann Elizabeth      " Daughter
Elizabeth Genevieve "     Do.
Catharine Virginia   "     Do.
Henrietta Maria     "     Do.

Do me the favor to send me a Passport for this family Immy. & you will greatly Oblige.

By this Gentleman I wish to send Mr. William Buchanan’s Commission as Commercial Agent for the Isles of France & Bourbon.2 The President has expressed his Intention to make that Appointment, will you do me the favor to attend to it.

Who is Mr. Edward Jones, the appointed to Guadeloupe? It was hoped that Mr. Gauntt would have been Named to that place.3 His Father a useful Republican of Prince Georges County will be greatly dissappointed & may (& I fear will) relax at the approaching Election. I am Dr. sir, your friend & servt.

S. Smith

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