James Madison Papers

Circular Letter to Port Collectors, [8 July] 1801

Circular Letter to Port Collectors

Department of State, Washington,
July 8th, 1801.


You will receive herewith a list of men who alledge they are American citizens, born in the State of Pennsylvania, and are detained on board British ships of War, for want of proof of their being such, together with an additional one of persons in the same predicament, whose places of birth or abode in the United States ⟨are un⟩known.

Both these lists are sent to you ⟨for the⟩ same purpose, and with the like re⟨quest, that⟩ induced and accompanied the tr⟨ansmission⟩ of others of a similar nature, which ⟨here⟩tofore went to you from this depart⟨ment.⟩ I am very respectfully, Sir, Your most obt. Servant

James Madison

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