James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Kirkpatrick, 9 June 1801

From William Kirkpatrick

Malaga 9 June 1801.


I am this moment informed by the Ragusean Consul, that ⟨a⟩ Vessel under his Colours is now here—chartered in Tunis about Six weeks ago to Carry a Letter to you from Tripoli, I presume with the Propositions of accommodation as exposed in Mr. Cathcarts official Communication, a Copy of which you will find inclosed; If the 18 months are allowed, it is a great Pity it is not known officially, as several of our merchant Vessels are Shut up in the Ports of the Mediterranean, & must there remain under the apprehension of war being positively declared, the Ragusean Captn who carries this Letter, says that none of the Tripolitan Cruizers are at Sea, which tho’ a fortunate Circumstance cannot be availed off [sic].

French Troops are entering this Country in every direction, It is However generally believed the war with Portugal will soon be over. I am with much respect, Sir, Your most obed & he St

Willm Kirkpatrick

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