James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 4 June 1801

From Carlos Martínez de Yrujo

Philada. 4 June 1801.


I have just seen in an extract from the Providence newspapers, a new Proclamation of the Adventurer Bowles, which I have the honor to enclose to you; by which it appears that he is endeavouring to render the Southern Indians hostile to the Inhabitants of the Floridas, and to blacken the character of the Agent of the U.S. among those Nations, Mr. Hawkins.1 Altho’ I doubt not that the Governors of those provinces have already taken the measures necessary to defeat the designs of this villain, I can do no less than renew to this Government, thro’ you, the demand I made on former occasions to the last administration, that the measures be taken on its part which such a weighty business requires, and which may perhaps compromit the tranquillity of two powers, which are so intimately united. God preserve you &c. I kiss your hand &c.

Carlos Mrtnz de Yrujo

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