James Madison Papers

From James Madison to David Meade Randolph, 6 May 1801

To David Meade Randolph

Department of State May 6th. 1801.


Your letter of the 3rd. Instant addressed to Mr. Lincoln has been just received.1 According to the construction of the law actually applied to a case in the State of Pennsylvania, similar to that in Virginia, it has been decided, that the task of compleating the Census devolves on the two new Marshals, who are to take each the part of it unfinished within his district.2 It will be proper therefore that they be respectively furnished with the necessary documents and information in your hands, and for which they will be instructed to apply. With respect to the compensation due for the part of the service which you have performed, the settlement of it belongs, as you will no doubt infer, to the Treasury Department. I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,

James Madison

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