James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 20 March 1801

From Carlos Martínez de Yrujo

Philadelphia 20 of March 1801.

Dear Sir.

It is a pleasant circumstance for me, that when I do address you in writing for the first time in my life, I am to fullfil the agreable task of congratulating you on your appointement to one of the first dignities of the Republique. If talents & [illegible] the depositaries of the public authority can insure the happiness of the Common Wealth, America can not, but have the luckiest fate. Accept, Sir, my sincere compliment not only on account of your nomination to be Secretary of State, but on the triumph of the Republicans over a party, which since four years has left nothing undone to produce mischief of every Kind. Madame Yrujo1 & all our Family are highly rejoiced at your promotion, & charge me to make their compliment to Mrs. Maddison as well as yourself.

I do prevail with pleasure of this opportunity to introduce to your acquaintance & favor Mr. J. de Yznardy2 American Consul, who was at Cadiz, & lattely dismiss’d by Mr. Adams a fortenight previous to the expiration of his Administration. The sincere regard I have for this Gentleman, & the justice with which he appears as wishing to be replaced on a post he has fulfill’d for years with honor & integrity, induce me to interfere on his behalf, & recommend him to your politeness & good offices.

I am sorry I am to leave this Country, when the political turn of things which has taken place of late would have render’d my residence in it, as agreable hereafter, as it has been disagreable before; but after five years of yellow fever, & political discord I am entitled to enjoy of the delights of caprice which I expect to find on the beautiful plains of Lombardy; where I am to reside being appointed by the King my Master his Minister near the cisalpine Rep.3 At all events I’ll have the pleasure to see you down in the Federal city immidiatly after my Succesor’s Arrival.

Be so good as to present our best compliment to Mrs. Maddison, & believe me Sir your most obt. Servt.

Le Chevalier d’Yrujo4

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