James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Arthur St. Clair, 9 March 1801

From Arthur St. Clair

Cincinnati, March 9, 1801.


In December last1 I gave information that a very violent violation of the Territory had been committed by the British near to Detroit, and a man carried away by force and murdered; but I had not then received the account of the particular circumstances, and, therefore, referred you to the Hon. Mr. Tracy,2 who happened to be at Detroit at that time. The clerk of the peace has since transmitted the particulars; an indictment was found against a sergeant of the British troops who commanded the party, and the testimony on which it depended is inclosed.3

By the treaty,4 he ought to be demanded, but as the measure is delicate, and a refusal on their part might involve very serious consequences, I request your instructions on the subject. Where military posts are near each other, and desertion so easy, it can not well be otherwise than that difficulties will occur, and it is much to be wished that some agreement to deliver up deserters on both sides were entered into. The above affair has caused very great uneasiness amongst the inhabitants.

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