To James Madison from Hubbard Taylor (Enclosure), [9 August 1795]
From Hubbard Taylor
[9 August 1795]
A Madisons Lands
1000 | Acres | Panther’s Creek |
1000 | Do. | Do. both Patented |
500 | Do. | Elk horn. Platt retd to W. Green |
Location on sandy made by H Green: W. Green can give information respectg it & they are to have one half the land
one fourth of 1000 Acres (Deed to H. Taylors Devisees) at the mout[h] of Locust Creek on the Ohio—part of Mercer Survey.
1000 Acres Military Lands
Ms (DLC). Docketed by Hubbard Taylor, “A. Madisons Memo. Lands.” Undated. In the Index to the James Madison Papers this document is described as an enclosure in Taylor to JM, 16 Jan. 1803 (DLC); however, it appears to be in the hand of Ambrose Madison and is more likely “the Memdm. your brother Ambrose gave me” enclosed in Taylor to JM, 9 Aug. 1795 ( , 16:46).