James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Pendleton, 26 February 1791 (Abstract)

§ From James Pendleton

26 February 1791, Culpeper County. Encloses a certificate of military service of a “near neighbour,” Zachariah Delaney, to enable him to collect pay owed him as conductor of military stores with the Southern Army. Asks JM, in a postscript, to take care of the certificate “if it cannot be now drawn.”

RC and enclosures (DNA: RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, item 1221). RC 1 p. Franked and addressed by Pendleton to JM at Philadelphia. Docketed by JM, “Mazaret’s claim.” Last two lines of letter damaged. Enclosures (2 pp.) are two certificates signed by John Mazaret attesting to Delaney’s military service in 1781. Filed with the claim are a chit docketed “Oath &c. wanting / Col. Strother” and a warrant from the U.S. Comptroller’s Office, dated 29 Apr. 1791 and signed by William Simmons, to pay Delaney $200 for six and two-thirds months’ service in 1781.

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