James Madison Papers

List of Candidates for Office, [ca. 1 April–29 September 1789]

List of Candidates for Office

[ca. 1 April–29 September 1789]

Candidates Objects Recommendations
Major J. Gibbon some place in the Customs By Col: Ths. M. Randolph
Sharp Delaney Collection at Philada. By Mr. Peters. He is now Collector
Jno. Hopkins Whatever place may be in lieu of the loan office in Virginia He is now loan Officer
Hudson Muse Collection on Rappahannock Now Collector
General Stephens Collection at Norfolk or some other place in the Customs Of known character
Abraham Archer Collection at York Town Now in Office & recommended by D. Jameson Esqr.
Capt: Saml. Eddins place of Searcher at do. now in office, recomd. by David Jameson Esqr. & Mr. Archer.
Jacob Wray Collection at Hampton Now in Office
Willm. A. Bayley place of Searcher at do. By Miles King Esqr.
Gustavus B. Wallace place in Customs on Rappahannock Of known character
Xn Febiger place in Customs at Philada. of known character
Majr. Lindsay collection at Norfolk now in office, of known character
J B Nichols collection at Norfolk By Jno. Swanwick
[…] place in Customs in Va. of known character
Col: Hanson place in Customs By T. Coxe Esqr. of known character
J. Broom Collection at Wilmington known character
Moscoe Livingston place in Customs at Norfolk By Col: Henry Lee
Thomas Pollard some place in revenue (particularly on Potowmac) The Honble Edmd. Pendleton
David Meade Randolph place in Customs on James River His own letter only

Joshua Barney place in line of his profession By Docr. McHenry
Capt: Richd. Taylor do. do. Commander of an armed Vessel during the war in Virga—late of one of the armed vessels for enforcing the trade laws—known to be a brave & worthy man.

Mr. Elliot Geographer of U. States By President Madison1

Elias Langham Richd. Morris (of Louisa) Military storeship do. See his letters a man of capacity & worth

Js. Maury (now in Liverpool) Consulship in London or Dublin a man of do. & do.

Thomas Thomson do. in Portugal By Mr. Ths. Pleasants.

Ms (DNA: RG 59, Letters of Application, 1809–17). In JM’s hand and docketed by him, “State of applications to Js. Madison Jr.” The verso is dated 1809 in an unknown hand and docketed, “No. 56. / A List of persons who have applied to James Madison Esq to recommend them as candidates for Appointts.” Ms damaged at margin. Conjectural date based on the fact that nearly all the candidates listed can be found to have had applications and recommendations pending during the spring and summer of 1789.

1Bishop James Madison, president of the College of William and Mary.

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