James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Justin Pierre Plumard de Rieux, 19 February 1789

From Justin Pierre Plumard de Rieux

feby 19th. 1789


Doctor Gilmer inform me that you had been kind anougth, as to send me, Mr Mazzei Book,1 by some person, of which he cannot recollect the name; I should take as a great favour, if you woud be so obliging as to let me know by Colo. Ths. Bell of Charlotteville, or Capt Ths. Walker, Where I must apply for to Get that book. I am respectfully Sir your most obedt & most Hble Servant

P De Rieux
philip Mazzei Son in Law

RC (ViU). Addressed by de Rieux to JM at Orange.

1On Mazzei’s book and de Rieux, see PJM description begins Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series (1 vol. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1986—). description ends , 10:72 n. 1, 468 n. 1.

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