James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Andrew Moore, 14 September 1800

From Andrew Moore

September 14th. 1800


The bearer Colo. Alexander McNat1 Now on his Way to Richmond—and from thence to Novascotia—Wishes to Call on you. He has in earlier Life—Seen much better Times. His Object in returning to Novascotia is To regain Possession of Property He has been disposs[ess]ed of by the Refugees.

Republicanism increases in this Quarter. A Piece Signd Lycurgus2—(Of Which You are Suspected to be the Author)—Is read by all Parties—And from its Moderation—Claims Attention. And Should Its Progress be Marked with the Same Plainness & Moderation—I doubt not—It will have Considerable Influence. I am Sir With great Respt &c Yours,

A Moore

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Alexander McNutt (d. 1811) was a veteran of the French and Indian War and the American Revolution who settled in Rockbridge County, Virginia (Tyler, Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, 2:312).

2A series of ten essays signed “Lycurgus” appeared in the Richmond Va. Argus beginning 8 Aug. and concluding 9 Sept. 1800. The essays, which were reprinted from the Fredericksburg Genius of Liberty and entitled “Reflections in reference to the next Election of a President and Congress of the United States,” were less political statements than philosophical explorations of the concept of political parties and their place in representative government. As “Lycurgus” noted in his first essay: “That parties exist among us violently animated, is allowed—That they disturb the public tranquility and happiness, is admitted—And that they threaten us with some disastrous event, is apprehended. The design of these papers, is to search for their cure. Perspicuity and moderation will be objects of the author’s endeavours.” No evidence has been found to indicate that JM was the author of these essays.

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