James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Philip Norborne Nicholas, 23 May 1800

From Philip Norborne Nicholas

Richmond May 23d 1800.

Dear Sir

Mr Macons return to Orange affords me an opportunity of mentioning to you a subject, in which I cannot but feel an interest. Since the assembly rose the executive have appointed me to the office of Attorney General. My acquaintance in the country is not extensive and I must depend upon my friends making my pretensions known to the members of the legislature. If it is compatible with your ideas of delicacy & propriety to render me this service; I shall esteem it an act of friendship, & shall endeavor by the greatest exertion in discharging the duties of the office with zeal & fidelity to merit the confidence of my Country. Excuse me for mentioning this subject to you Sir, & be assured that it results from the sincerety of my confidence and regard.

Philip Norborne Nicholas

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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