James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 9 January 1800

To Thomas Jefferson

Jany. 9. 1800

Dear Sir

The question on the Report printed, was decided by 60 for & 40 agst. it, the day before yesterday, after a debate [of] five days. Yesterday & today have been spent on Mr. Giles’ propositions, which with some softenings will probably pass, by nearly the same vote. The Senate is in rather a better state than was expected. The debate turned almost wholly on the right of the Legislature to protest. The Constitutionality of the Alien & Sedition Acts & of the C[ommon] Law was waved. It was said that the last question would be discussed under Mr. Giles propositions; but as yet nothing has been urged in its favor. It is probable however that the intention has not been laid aside. I thank you for the pamphlets.1 Adieu. Yrs Affy.

Js. Madison Jr

RC (DLC). Docketed by Jefferson, “recd Jan. 16.”

1Although there is no record that Jefferson wrote any letters to JM from 22 Nov. 1799 until 1 Mar. 1800, he did send JM “printed communications” from time to time (see Jefferson to JM, 22 Nov. 1799, and JM to Jefferson, 12 Jan. 1800).

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