From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 3 November 1799
To Thomas Jefferson
Novr. 3. 99
Dear Sir
Be so good as to let Col. Monroe have the inclosed as early as may be convenient. Have you fixt the time of your setting out for Philada. I wish much for the pleasure of seeing you on your way, but if you do not aim to be there at the beging. of the Session, I shall probably lose the opportunity.1 As something however may depend on circumstances & arrangements, it will be convenient for me to know your intended movements. Adieu Yrs. truly
Js. Madison Jr.
RC (DLC). Docketed by Jefferson, “recd. Nov. 3.”
1. Jefferson left Monticello on 21 Dec., by which time JM had already spent nearly a month in Richmond. The vice president arrived in Philadelphia on 28 Dec. (Jefferson to Mary Jefferson Eppes, 17 Jan. 1800, Betts and Bear, Family Letters of Jefferson, p. 179).