To James Madison from John G. Jackson, 14 May 1799
From John G. Jackson
Harrison County Clarksburg 14th. May 1799
Mr. Madison,
I have taken the liberty to inclose a Letter to Miss Polly Paine1—your attention to it will confer a singular honor on me. I am happy to hear that you have suffered yourself to be elected a representative in the State Legislature for Orange County. Republicanism is gaining ground very fast in this District. My Father2 is elected to Congress in the room of Mr Macher by a Majority of 204 Votes; in this County and in Hampshire where we were divided the republican Candidates for the assembly were elected by a Majority of two to one.3 It is with equal regret I have heard of the Election of Marshal, Lee, Powell & Page,4 however I believe that the time is not far distant when the Freemen of America will see through the flimsy veil of modern Federalism & spurn the Enemies of their Liberties. I know that truth is on our side and that truth will be omnipotent. Present my compliments to Mr Barber I hope he is reelected and that I shall again have the Pleasure of seeing him in Richmond,5 and except them yourself. I am with sentiments of respect your obt St.
John G Jackson
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. Dolley Madison’s sister Mary (Polly) Payne married John G. Jackson sometime in the winter of 1800–1801. Jackson (1777–1825) represented Harrison County in the House of Delegates, 1798–1801, and later served as a U.S. representative from Virginia, 1803–10 and 1813–17 (Stephen W. Brown, Voice of the New West: John G. Jackson, His Life and Times [Macon, Ga., 1985], pp. viii, 10–11, 16–27).
2. George Jackson.
3. Jackson himself and John Prunty were the successful Republican candidates for the Virginia General Assembly from Harrison County. Fielding Calmes and John Higgins were elected from Hampshire County ( , p. 53).
4. John Marshall, Henry Lee, Leven Powell, and Robert Page were successful Federalist candidates for U.S. congressional seats in the 1799 Virginia state elections (Fredericksburg Va. Herald, 30 Apr. 1799).
5. James Barbour was reelected to the Virginia General Assembly from Orange County ( , p. 53).