To James Madison from Edmund Pendleton, 12 May 1799
From Edmund Pendleton
Edmundsbury May 12th 1799.
Dear Sir
Mr. Taylor informed me that you wished to have sent you the several Letters I was favored with whilst you was at Congress, which are accordingly furnished by him. I know I preserved them all, but am not sure I have collected the whole: should I find more, they shall be added. I congratulate my Countrey on your return to our state Counsels in this important crisis.1 Present my most Affecte. respects to your good Parents, yr. Mrs. Madison & all the family. I am Dear Sir, Yr. very Affe. Friend
Edmd Pendleton
RC (ViWC). Docketed by JM.
1. The election for Orange County representatives to the Virginia General Assembly was held on 24 Apr. 1799. “We all went to the Election,” wrote Francis Taylor. “There was no Poll taken for County delegates—Col James Madison & Capt Jas Barbour Elected” (Vi: Francis Taylor Diary, 24 Apr. 1799).