To James Madison from Snowden and McCorkle, 25 June 1798
From Snowden and McCorkle
Chambersburg, (Penn) 25th June 1798.
In May, 1797, Mr John Beckley gave1 us your name as a subscriber for twelve copies of the History [of the] United States, for 1796, and which books we forwarded to you by Mr Monroe, the August following, with the bill; but have never received an answer.
You would much oblige us, by forwarding the amount, (12 dolls) to Mess. Snowden & North, merchants, Philada.
As the printing of this work has been a considerable loss to us, besides being severely persecuted, your compliance will much oblige your obedt. servts.
Snowden & McCorkle
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. At a later time JM placed an asterisk here and wrote in the left margin, “*without authority.”