James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Snowden and McCorkle, 25 June 1798

From Snowden and McCorkle

Chambersburg, (Penn) 25th June 1798.


In May, 1797, Mr John Beckley gave1 us your name as a subscriber for twelve copies of the History [of the] United States, for 1796, and which books we forwarded to you by Mr Monroe, the August following, with the bill; but have never received an answer.

You would much oblige us, by forwarding the amount, (12 dolls) to Mess. Snowden & North, merchants, Philada.

As the printing of this work has been a considerable loss to us, besides being severely persecuted, your compliance will much oblige your obedt. servts.

Snowden & McCorkle

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1At a later time JM placed an asterisk here and wrote in the left margin, “*without authority.”

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