To James Madison from James Blair, 25 April 1797
From James Blair
⟨Fr⟩ed⟨er⟩icksburg April 25h. 1797
Dear sir
By the bearer Mr Bell1 and 2 you will recieve the packages mentioned in the inclosed Memo. Annexed you have a list of the packages received a few days ago from Phila.3 but not having a Bill of Lading I do not know whether they are right. However as they agree with the Manifest of the Captn. I hope & have reason to beleive they are so. Not a Vessel offers for Philadelphia. In consequence of the Low price of produce there I fear none will Soon. No opportunity Shall be Lost in forwarding the Articles you have orderd to be Sent there.
The Articles now Sent I hope will get safe to hand. The case I have given very particular Instructions about. With Sincere Esteem & respect I am Dr sir Your Mo. Obt S
James Blair
Mr Bell had a prospect of Getting another waggon but he is dissappointed.
List of Packages rec⟨d⟩. from Phila.
1 doz windsor Chairs
½ doz Mahogany. do—the bottoms I suppose are pack’d up
Box 21. | Bundle 23. | Box 24. | Box 16 |
Trunk 5 | Box 18 | ditto 2. | ditto 3. |
Box 1 | ditto 4 | ditto 15 | ditto 13 |
Trunk 19. | Trunk 22. | ditto 8 | Trunk 11 |
20 Bundles Nail Rods.—1 Billet wood
RC (DLC). Addressed by Blair to JM at Orange. Enclosed memorandum not found.
1. Possibly Thomas Bell of Orange Court House, a country merchant and associate of the Madison family (Scott, History of Orange County, pp. 44, 65, 71; Fredericksburg Va. Herald, 14 Feb. 1798).
2. Left blank by Blair.
3. The Madisons’ personal effects from their lodgings in Philadelphia were packed up and sent by ship to Blair in Fredericksburg (JM to James Madison, Sr., 19 and ca. 27 Mar. 1797, and Joseph Jones to JM, 23 Mar. 1797, , 16:501, 502, 503).