To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 23 February 1797
From Joseph Jones
Fredg. 23d. Febry. 1797.
Dr Sr.
Mr. Jefferson left this yesterday morning before the arrival of the Stage so that your letter to him by the mail is returned—he meant to take one of the Stages at Alexa. leaving his horses there untill his return. Dr Shipen who came in the stage met him about 3 miles above Falmouth. After the receipt of your letter finding the examination1 continued I went up Town and missed of Green2 who was then out I saw Mullin3 he says he will commence the republication in the next paper. I sent the 2 first numbers with a note to Green requesting them to be printed in the next paper or the first of them if he could not both and to continue regularly the numbers which should be duly furnished—he was then also from home but the ticket and papers were left and he no doubt will comply. I shall perhaps see him and will speak with him to day. I fear A. is too much an Angloman and will yeild to his prepossession. No Clover seed advertized and I believe none for sale here. I will inquire. Collins has seed in Richmond. Yr friend & servt
Jos: Jones
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. For the “Examination,” see Jones to JM, ca. 16 Feb. 1797, n. 2.
2. Timothy Green was proprietor of the Va. Herald, and Fredericksburg and Falmouth Advertiser (Brigham, History of American Newspapers, 2:1116). His newspaper reprinted five numbers of the “Examination” on 28 Feb. and 7, 21, 24, and 28 Mar. 1797.
3. Lancelot A. Mullin published the Fredericksburg Republican Citizen; and Farmer and Planter’s Chronicle (ibid., 2:1115). The paper reprinted the first three numbers of the “Examination” on 1, 8, and 15 Mar. 1797.