To James Madison from John Wilcocks, 28 January 1797
From John Wilcocks
Saturday January 28th 97.
North 3d Street No 30.
I have occasion to send a commission to Williamsburg Virginia for the examination of a witness (on interrogatories) in a Law suit depending in the courts of this State: you will permit me to ask the favor of you to name two Gentleman to me as Commissioners for that purpose;1 You will pardon the liberty, with compliments to Mrs. Madison I have the honor to be Sir Your most humble Servt:
John Wilcocks2
1. JM apparently forwarded Wilcocks’s letter to Henry Tazewell, writing in the lower margin: “Give me 2 proper names for Mr. W. / J. M.” Below JM’s note, Tazewell wrote: “Jno. Blair—Robert Andrews—Robert Saunders—Benjn. C. Waller—Littleton W. Tazewell: choose out of them. / H T.”
2. John Wilcocks was the recorder of Pennsylvania.