To James Madison from Enoch Edwards, 19 January 1797
From Enoch Edwards
Frankford 19 Jany. 1797.
Dear Sir
Before I left France Mr: Skipwith prepared the inclosed Papers1—for you, & wished very much they should be published—but on a Conversation I had with Him I prevailed on him to retract from that Determination. He however left the Papers with Me & desired I would use my own Discretion as to what Use might be made of them.
I have been a good deal indisposed since I had the Pleasure to see you here—or I should have been a troublesome Visitor to you—however I am mending very fast & intend to be in good health very soon.
Mrs: Edwards & Miss Clarkson join in best Respects to you & your Ladies. I am Dear Sr with sincere Esteem & Regard Your obedt St
Eno. Edwards
RC (DLC). Addressed by Edwards to JM, “5 St. below Spruce Philada.” Docketed by JM, “Recd. Jany. 23. 97.” For enclosures, see Skipwith to JM, 27 July 1796, and n. 1.
1. At a later time JM placed an asterisk here and wrote in the lower margin: “*see letter of F. Skipwith.”