James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 8 January 1797

From James Monroe

Paris Jany. 8. 1797.

Dear Sir

I recd. notice of my recall in Novr., Mr. Pinckney arrived here in decr. & I took my leave of this govt. on the first of Jany. so that you will perceive it was impossible unless I exposed myself & family to the danger & inconvenience of a winters voyage, to depart hence before the begining of April next, wh. we propose to do, in case a suitable passage can be obtained from any of the ports of France. The period of our departure after the Spring will depend on obtaining a passage only, as we mean to sit out as soon as possible. I enclose you a copy of my address & the Presidents reply when I took leave. I mean to take a trip into Holland in the interim with Mrs. M. to see some other parts of Europe before our return, & wh. I was not able to do before, for I never saw things in such a state here after my arrival as to be able to absent myself from Paris more than 24. hours at a time, without apprehending real danger to my country: & in consequence never went further from Paris to the present time than St. Germains. I beg you to inform Mr. Jones of my intentions & request him not to sell my furniture in Albemarle, as I shall have occasion for it on our return. I have no news to give you, & indeed I shod. not chuse to go into other topics by this opportunity. I beg you to remember us affecy. to Mr. Jones, Mr. Jefferson & other friends, & particularly to yr. lady. Sincerely I am yr. friend & servt

Jas. Monroe

RC (DLC). For enclosures, see Monroe to JM, 1 Jan. 1797, n.

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