To James Madison from John Watts, 16 December 1796
From John Watts
New York 16. Decr. 1796.
Dear sir,
I yesterday recd. a Letter dated Montreal 1 Decr. Inst. from Sir John Johnson enclosing a Power of Attorney from Mr Joseph Chew1 to him and a Substitution to me for the Sale of 2000 A[c]res of Land in Bourboun County Kentuckey together with the enclosed Letter for you. I am desired to make Application to you on this subject, as they mention That you had a power from Mr. Chew for the Sale and That it is very possible These Lands may have been sold by you. I know Nothing of the Title Situation or Value & beg you will be so obliging as to inform me Whether you have sold this Property, if not, Whether There is any probability of selling it & for what price. Mr. Chew I understand was Agent to Sir John Johnson during his Residence in England and I have understood is largely in Arrear for Monies recd. on his Account & that the Proceeds of these Lands (which They appear very Anxious to dispose of) are to go in Part payment. I know no Person To whom I would more readily confide the Managment of this Business than yourself & sho’d be glad you would assist in the sale agreably to the Wish of the Parties And Am with great Respect your very huble frnd.
John Watts
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. At a later time JM placed an asterisk here and wrote in the margin: “*see his letter to J. M. of Decr. 2. 1796.”