To James Madison from Hubbard Taylor, 14 November 1796
From Hubbard Taylor
Frankfort 14th. Novr. 1796
Dear Sir
As this will be handed you by Mr. Brown it will be unnec[e]ssary for me to give you any information respecting what is going forward in this Legislature of this State.
I acknowledged the rect. of the 40 Dollars by Mr. Brown and gave amt. into the hands of his brother1 and have informed him thereof. I am collecting the Meterials for our Claims against Mays2 And will take such steps as may be really necessary to secure our right.
Should any thing turn up in the course of the session that may be necessa[r]y for your information respecting your interest I will communicate it. With sentiments of regard & esteem I am Dr Sir Yr Affe Hble
H. Taylor
RC (DLC). Addressed by Taylor to JM at Philadelphia and marked “The Honble. Sen. John Brown.”
1. Probably James Brown (1766–1835), secretary of state for Kentucky and later U.S. senator from Louisiana, 1813–17 and 1819–23.
2. See Taylor to JM, 1 Mar. 1796 (first letter), and n. 3.