To James Madison from Thomas Southcomb, 8 April 1796
From Thomas Southcomb
Fredericksburg April 8th. 1796
About two months Since Mr. Jones of this Town informed me, you would pay Messrs. Philips Cramond, & Co: in Philadelphia, for my benefit, Some Cash on account of two Bonds, I hold of Mr. Munro’s in Paris.1 I have received a Letter from those Gentlemen dated the 8th. march they mention nothing of it in their Letter. I Should not have taken this Liberty of troubling you; but on my return from Richmond where I have been for Some time, I found Mr. Jones was gone up the Country, and would not return, for 6 weeks or 2 months. I Shall esteem it a particular favour; if you will inform me; if any monies has been paid, or likely Soon to be, and to what amount. I am Sir with due respect your most obedient Humble St.
Thos: Southcomb
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. On Monroe’s bonds, held by Southcomb, for the purchase of Loudoun County lands, see Joseph Jones to JM, 18 Jan. 1796, and n. 1.