To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 24 January 1796
¶ From Thomas Jefferson
Letter not found. 24 January 1796. Acknowledged in JM to Jefferson, 7 Feb. 1796; mentioned in Jefferson’s Epistolary Record (DLC: Jefferson Papers) and in JM to Jefferson, 10 Apr. 1824 (DLC). Acknowledges JM’s letters of 27 Dec. 1795 and 10 Jan. 1796. Asks JM to make some inquiries in Philadelphia, to inform Jefferson weekly of governmental proceedings, and to send certain pamphlets. Requests copies of the correspondence of Jefferson and Jay. Encloses copies of Jefferson to George Wythe, 16 Jan. 1796 (DLC; printed in , 7: 52–55), and “A statement of the Volumes of the Laws of Virginia, Manuscript & Printed in my possession,” 13 Jan. 1796 (DLC).