James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Arnold Henry Dohrman, 24 March 1795

From Arnold Henry Dohrman

Newyork 24 March 1795.


In reply to the Letter of 20 March, with which you honrd. me, I am oblidged to say, that unavoidable misfortunes & embarrassments had till now impeded me from complying with the Final settlement of the Debt due Mr. Mazzei, that I was just now beginning to acquire the means to fullfill the payment & had contemplated to advise you thereof, but from a delay in a material event which will enable me to do it, & which in a few days will be decided I had postponed it, & therefore take the Liberty to request you to grant me a few days longer, to enable me to make provision for the payment without sacrifying my township, & if convenient (I hope to be excused) to inform me when you expect to leave Philadelphia, that I may have every indulgence which your generous feelings, wishes to allow me, in order to raise the money on more easy terms; it being impossival for me at present to leave this city, prevents me from thanking you personnally for the humanity with which you have managed this infortunate affair, if while I hope for your Answer my affair is decided, information shall be given immediately, else on the return of your Letter, I confidently shall be prepared for a consideraval part of the payment, perhaps for the whole. With perfect Estem I have the honour to remain Sir Your most Obedt. humble Servant

Arnd. Henry Dohrman

RC (NN). Addressed by Dohrman to JM at Philadelphia. Docketed by JM.

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