James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 23 February 1795

From Thomas Jefferson

Feb. 23. 95.

Th: J. to J. M.

I inclose two letters to the President1 & Secretary of state2 open for your perusal & consideration. I pray you to bestow thought on the subject, & if you disapprove it, return me my letters, undelivered, by next post. If you approve of them, stick a wafer in them & have them delivered. I also put under your cover a letter to the Fresco painter3 from whom you inclosed me one. His not having furnished me with his address obliges me to give you this trouble. Nothing new. Adieu affectionately.

RC (DLC); FC (DLC: Jefferson Papers). Enclosed in Jefferson to David Rittenhouse, 24 Feb. 1795 (FC, DLC: Jefferson Papers).

1Jefferson to Washington, 23 Feb. 1795 (DLC: Washington Papers). In this letter, Jefferson recommended the proposal of Sir Francis d’Ivernois to reestablish the University of Geneva, recently “demolished” by revolution, in Virginia. For excerpts from other correspondence relating to d’Ivernois’s proposal, see Sowerby, Catalogue of Jefferson’s Library, 1:127.

2Jefferson to Edmund Randolph, 23 Feb. 1795 (DLC: Jefferson Papers).

3Jefferson to Ignatius Shnydore (or Schneider), 21 Feb. 1795 (not found, but listed in Jefferson’s Epistolary Record [DLC: Jefferson Papers]).

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